. Alot of people have been saying that my own government/state issued license does not look like me. Now, honestly, who has ever been told that the picture on your OWN ID is not you? And HOW, unless by some extreme miracle or freak act of nature, do you find someone, from out-of-state, that looks exactly like you, with the same identifying information? I can understand that people go through stages in their life where go take on fads or they cut/dye their hair, but I, on the other, hand have done neither. The last picture I took was hideous, I did everything everyone told me NOT to do. I looked like I was on a weekend binder of every drug known to man and still high when I took the picture. {I DON'T EVEN DO DRUGS!!!} But amazingly, they took it as me. Now, the new picture I get, I actually have my hair down and I do everything right this time and all of a sudden, "I can't accept this ID, it's not you!" WHAT THE HIGH HOLY FRICKEN HELL DO YOU MEAN "it's not me?" I was in front of the camera when they took the stupid thing. The picture is only 5 months old. I should have them go through all my pictures from growing up. Then they'd know that for some reason I don't look the same at all.
Other things about me include:
I am a SAGGITARIUS and love every bit of it. I am a Christmas baby {not actually born on Christmas, just close enough to it, that my parents gave me one gift on my birthday and the rest on Christmas}.
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